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Open Distance Learning

Open and distance learning (ODL) is the term used to describe the provision of flexible educational options in terms of accessibility and variety of knowledge acquisition modes. Flexible here denotes the availability of choices for learning anywhere, anytime and anyhow while accessibility means opportunity available to everyone, freeing then from constraints of time and space.

The term ODL is frequently used interchangeably with open learning, e-learning, mobile learning, distance teaching, adult education and correspondence education and many others when discussing non-conventional teaching and learning but these are not necessarily all the same.

A programme of study is deemed as an ODL programme if more than 60% of the courses offered in the programme are conducted via open and distance learning. In order for a course to be considered as an ODL course, at least 80% of the student learning time (SLT) must be delivered via open and distance mode. This must be supported through regular and substantive interaction between the learner and the instructor synchronously or asynchronously via an electronic learning platform, the provision of self-instructional learning materials and other learning support services. The face to face contact sessions between the learner and instructor can be conducted in various modalities which may include physical or virtual sessions.

The History of ODL

Distance learning, though only recently integrated into the mainstream education system in Malaysia is not a new concept. The first significant US correspondence programme with a distance learning component was introduced at the University of Chicago in the late 1800s, it was intended to provide educational chances for those who were not wealthy and could not afford to live on campus full-time. The introduction of radio during World War I and television in the 1950s led to the abrupt rise of new delivery methods for instruction outside of the traditional classroom. Today’s modern audio and computer teleconferencing has an impact on how instruction is delivered in public schools, colleges, the military, business, and various other industry.

Distance learning in the Malaysia was initiated in 1971 in the form of a correspondence course by University Science Malaysia (USM) for Bachelor of Arts program. It became more prominent after the 1990s when the Mara Institute of Technology or (UiTM) penetrated the distance market with its first suit of distance learning programmes which included  a very popular diploma programmes in Business and Public Administration. By the year 1995, all public Universities of Malaysia began to offering Open and Distance Education programmes  in response to a directive from the Ministry of Education to increase access to higher education through distance learning.

Transformation of Higher Education through ODL

The notion behind open learning and distance education is to give everybody access to education and training without being restricted by location or time, and to provide both people and organizations with flexible learning opportunities. Open and distance learning (ODL), one of the fastest-growing areas of education today, has a significant impact on all systems used to offer education.

Because of the advancement of Internet-based information technologies, particularly the World Wide Web, the new ODL system is expanding quickly. The goal behind ODL education was to make the entire educational system flexible by keeping teachers and students independent of each other, while still providing a platform for collaborative learning, guided learning and teaching as well as student-teacher and peer-to-peer interaction. The only difference is that these interactions are not all carried out synchronously, in real-time, in a physical classroom but rather on-line and on virtual platforms. This eliminated the restrictions of time and place for learning that has prevented many people from pursuing education due to work and family obligations

The distance educational models have enabled cross information and communication providing direct access to information across individuals from different countries to keep up with advances in global research and education, as this directly influences healthcare system, economics and political decisions. The entire education system has become richer and more up-to-date because of the opportunity for more people from diverse backgrounds and places to learn together. ODL teachers have also been experiencing transformation in how they teach, moving away from traditional methods and embracing newer instructional technology. At the end of the day, ODL most benefits the learner as he/she now gets to learn what they want, how much they want, when they want, where they want and how they want.

Interested in signing up for MAHSA ODL Programmes?

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