QUM: Home Medication Review (HMR) Programme 2023 at Kampung Orang Asli Busut Baru, Banting, Selangor

On the 4th of February 2023, a group of third year Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) students visited Kampung Orang Asli Busut Baru (KOABB) located in Banting, Selangor to share knowledge with the folks of KOABB about medications, their proper use and proper disposal of expired medications. The objectives of this visit were to increase awareness about the safe and effective use of medicines and to reduce the incidence of medication-related problems among the folks of KOABB. This visit was partly funded by Top Glove Sdn Bhd., Hup Seng Industries Bhd., Caring Pharmacy Group Bhd. and collections from staff of the faculty. The students were accompanied by Ms Noraseli as the advisor for the programme. Other lecturers involved were Madam Wati, Mr Muhammad Danish, Mr Afiq and Mr Amirul.
The programme began with opening speeches at the hall of Kampung Orang Asli Busut Baru by the KOABB head, Encik Batin Sari Senin followed by Encik Samsul Anak Senin (village JPKKOA chairman), Encik Mohd Nor bin Haji Yaakub (Pegawai Kemajuan Orang Asli Daerah from JAKOA), Ms Noraseli (HMR programme advisor) and finally, Ms Chan Wai Hang (student organizing chairperson). The event was then continued by talks on proper disposal methods of expired medications by Madam Che Zuraini Sulaiman, former head pharmacist of Universiti Malaya Medical Centre and Ms Mary Lee Hong Gee, pharmacy lecturer from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Malaya. Medication disposal bins were also launched at the hall to provide the villagers a way for them to dispose of their expired medications.
After lunch, the students conducted visits to the home where they reviewed the medications the participants were taking. Several topics including the proper use of medications, the importance of following dosage instructions, and the methods to check expiry dates of medications were discussed with the participants. Complimentary gifts such as rice and oil were handed out to the participants.
One of the benefits from this community service is that it allows the students to connect with the KOABB community and boost their social skill.