MAHSA University Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology students won the Gold Medal in the 2nd International Innovation Invention Competition (13C) 2023. The title of the Students’ innovation was Smart Solar Irrigation System Using Arduino Technology. Due to the students’ performance and innovation, they also received the Brazil Special Award from Colegio Dante Aligheiri. This award provides free registrations for the students to participate in the FeNaDANTE 2023 in Brazil. In addition to that, our students also received another special award from the International Avicenna Research Center, Iran. This Iran Special Award provides special privilege for the students for free publications under JOURNAL4YOUTH.
The I3Cs is a platform for all the young minds from around the globe to get involved in Science, Technology and Engineering competition to showcase their creative ideas and indirectly it created a platform to disseminate and exchange innovation ideas across the globe. This International competition was organized by Malaysian Innovation Creativity Association (MIICA). 500 + teams from different countries such as Indonesia, Phillipines, Iran, Brazil, UK, US, and more participated.
We are truly proud of our students' achievement would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Vellavan, Mr. Dinesh, Mr. Subhash, and Mr. Murugan for winning the Gold medal and Special Awards in this competition under the supervision, support and guidance of Assoc.Prof. Ts. Dr Iman Farshchi, Ts. Afifa Anuar, Ms Shanti Muniandy and Mr Suria Prakkash Vijayasuria.
The Awarding Ceremony and the results announcements can be viewed again using the attached YouTube link:
Figure 3: Iran Special Award results