Selecting a career that may take you through a lifetime can be daunting to a teenager, but at MAHSA University, we take an approach that is more hands on for our teens to make their decision. On the 19th of May 2022, the Centre for Pre-University Studies (CPUS) collaborated with the Faculty of Medicine, Bioscience and Nursing for an engagement session aimed to inspire our Foundation in Science students towards pursuing their degree in the field of Medicine, Bioscience or Nursing, which was aimed at providing them with the in-depth and up-to-date information related to these fields of sciences.
The session began with welcoming
speeches by Prof.Dr. Rusli Bin Nordin, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Vetriselvan
Subramaniyan, and Assoc.Prof.Dr. Mohd Rahal bin Yusoff. The speeches were highly
informative and concise, outlining the benefits of pursuing Medicine,
Bioscience and Nursing, as well as entry requirements for each course coupled with words of encouragements, advising students to choose their
career pathways wisely.
The session also included a Laboratory Visit to the Anatomy
Suite on the Ground floor of Unity Building.
Dr.Mahalingam, who led the tour spoke passionately to the students about
his work in preserving real human bones, organs and blood vessels that were showcased
in the Anatomy Museum. The students later visited the Anatomy digital lab and the Anatomy
Specimen Lab. Here, they were shown cadavers used for the study and research purposes of medical
The students were later brought to the Clinical Simulation Laboratory. This tour was led by Dr Balquis Taher who provided students with detailed information about patient care and bedside care. She took them through the general ward, pediatric ward, operating theatre, geriatric ward and labor room. Students were ecstatic to witness the functioning mannequins that replicated real medical conditions of patients all of this provided medical students with the chance to gain hands-on experience apart from theory-based learning.
Taking part in this engagement provided them with a well-rounded experience as they were given exposure to their desired degree programmes in the Faculty of Medicine, Bioscience, and Nursing. The Centre for Pre-University Studies, appreciate the efforts of all involved for arranging this engagement as it was motivating and carved a clear education pathway for Foundation in Science students.
To know more about our programmes, or to experience real-life careers, contact us for a ONE DAY IN MAHSA session so that you can make your choice wisely.
Whatsapp at +601110007887 to book a session in our next Education Fair.