The English language is an international
language and is by far widely used around the world. The language is in demand
today and is very important for one to acquire language proficiency. Spoken
English language can be easily adapted by an individual. However, English
language writing has been a challenge among second language learners and
teachers. This article aims to understand the challenges faced by both learners
and teachers in writing skills.
There are many consequences that lead to a poor foundation of writing. Among them is the lack of vocabulary skills. As a
learner and teacher, without acquiring enough and competent sets of vocabulary
and English language competency, it will be difficult to express ourselves
through writing as we may not use the language efficiently which includes using
the wrong spelling and grammar. This challenge hinders us from having the
ability to freely write our thoughts down. Hereby, it is important for one to expose
themselves to the acquisition of language enhancement and acquire as many vocabularies in order to be skilled in writing.
Besides that, not understanding the academic writing conventions is another factor of challenges faced. For instance, when teachers do not fully understand the correct terms, sentence structures and phrases to be used in the written context, it obstructs their capability to teach their learners. With that, their learners do not acquire the potential of understanding and acquiring the knowledge of these important characteristics to apply in their academic writing. This also applies to when a student themselves do not thoroughly understand these resources.
Moreover, the lack of exposure to reading materials causes learners to find it challenging to look for
information. This is due to the fact that reading and writing are interrelated
To conclude, teaching writing skills is a common
challenge faced by teachers and learners especially in the ESL classroom.
Therefore, it is important for both teachers and learners to expose themselves
to enhance and develop their language skills along with the knowledge of
understanding the concepts and terms of writing in order for them to be proficient.
Words by: Ms. Jasmine Ratchanee Lazarus