1. What is the aim of studying English at the tertiary level? and,
2. Why should we study this foreign language alone to the exclusion of the other languages?
These are reasonable questions.
Let me briefly answer both questions together beginning with the second.
We need to study English above all other languages because English is an international language and is spoken and understood in most countries of the world. It is used in international conferences and is the commercial language of the world. With the development of modern means of communication, the world has become very small, and no country can live in isolation. It has become a necessity to learn the language of other countries. But it is practically impossible to learn the languages of all the countries. We have to learn only that which is absolutely necessary for our contact, and English serves this purpose.
In addition, it is the language of commerce, and the second language of many countries which formerly had French or German in that position. Besides, the potential for job opportunities is tremendous even with just a fairly good command of the English language. The most prominent scholastic articles in international journals are in English. It is imperative for and an obvious adjunct to academic excellence. More importantly, with the advent of the internet, English has taken on the pre-eminent position as the medium of instruction and learning. Certainly, there is little doubt as to the outstanding importance of English among the languages of the world.
This is exactly one of the reasons why English has become a second language in almost all leading countries of the world where English is not the national language. In support of this endeavor to empower more people with a good command of English, MAHSA University has developed a program called Teaching of English as the Second Language (TESL) to produce teachers who will be able to teach students who were not brought up with English as their first language.
In this program, the art and science of teaching all relevant aspects of the English language, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing, besides other related skills are diligently taught in earnest. Apart from this, grammar and language usage which happens to be the rules of the language are emphasized. English literature which reinforces and enlivens the teaching and learning of English language is duly incorporated into the curriculum thereby producing teacher that can conduct classes for any group of students wherever they may be. Find out more about this excellent career choice and- BE MORE.
The main purpose of courses in English at the tertiary level is to help the students to develop an efficient and proficient use of the English language and further enhance learning. At the end of the program they should be able to use English accurately, fluently and appropriately, for purpose of communication and research. This aim is sought to be achieved through the development of the various language skills, the mastery of the language elements and communication skills.
Hence, the study of English is worth its salt at whatever the level may be and wherever the situation may be.
Words by: Mr. Panchanathan