What is “Text Claw” Fingers curled around the edge of the phone, wrist bent towards you. Does this sound familiar? If you’ve been getting pain in your fingers or along the back of your wrist you may have overstretched your Extensor Digitorum Communis ( EDC) tendon. Text claw may not be a formal medical diagnosis, and some use it specifically to mean EDC tendinopathy but more people use this term to describe a common condition where an individual feels the pangs of typing, texting, or browsing the web. Text claw explains the pain you get throughout your hands and wrist after continuously performing fine motor activities particularly the usage of smartphones. In addition to text messaging, other fine motor activities that may cause text claw include, peeling vegetables and needlepoint Have you ever experience feelings of soreness and cramping in the fingers, wrist and forearm after prolonged smart phone usage? Being glued to tech devices like smart phones can lead to conditions such as ...
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